“Lynx is endowed with a big-league voice: strong, fresh and country-clear, with an engagingly warm fuzzy edge.”
MILES DURRIE - Avenue Calgary
“What a joy it was to work with this singer songwriter with her open mind and creative enthusiasm. I believe this is just the first of many CD's as there doesn't seem to be any end to the words and melodies that flow out from Julia.
MARK ATKINSON - Recording Artist, Producer
A message from the Saskatchewan audience,'"...a person made a point of phoning to say what a lovely evening her friends had. She said they thoroughly enjoyed it. They really liked the music, and everything ran so smoothly, and the sound was so clear, not too loud or too quiet, and they could hear every word. They really appreciated that Julia came out to talk to them after. She said, “They couldn't say enough good about it.”
LAUREEN MARSCHAND - Prairie Wind & Silver Sage
”What can I say, it makes me want to go lay on the beach in the sun by the river and throw all my cares away! Can't wait to hear more!”
LEANNE ALLISON - Gemini Award Winning Film Director
“You're insanely prolific!"
KIM JUNE JOHNSON - Recording Artist, Songwriting Writer
“Wow! The track tastes are absolutely delicious.”
BILL PLOTKIN - Scholar and Author of Wild Mind
From the moment I first heard her sing, I heard her voice on the radio and I knew that she had enormous potential. Her CD is an exciting introduction to the music scene.”
MICHELLE TODD - International Soprano Performer